Thursday, March 19, 2020

Hello from Mrs. Tran's Classroom

Hi everyone,

I hope you have all enjoyed a few extra days sleeping in and enjoying your family's company at home. I miss all of you here in room 120 and hope that we can see each other again soon. With Spring Break approaching, I hope that you can continue to enjoy a slower pace of life--read more, get outside walking, playing and riding your bikes, try a new hobby, cook or bake with your family, or facetime with your best friend. As it warms up, have a popsicle stick (or toothpick) race outside with the melting snow rushing towards the storm drains. This was one of my favourite things to do with my brothers as the snow started to melt!  Don't forget to put your sunglasses on to protect your eyes and teach your family about some of the other ways to keep your eyes healthy.


As I approach each day, I try to find things to be grateful for and see the beauty in the world around us. Yesterday, my moment of gratitude was finding flour (after looking in several different stores) so that I am able to bake yummy things with my kids on the weekends. We are avid pancake lovers in this house! When we pull out the recipe on the weekend that I have been using since I was young, I promise to share it with you!

On Sunday, I was so thankful to see the sun shining and the weather warm up so that we could enjoy our time outside. It was such a gorgeous day!! Today, I am thankful for a few things: Mrs. Howard-Mason brought me a piece of her delicious coffee cake which I enjoyed with my coffee as I finished up a few things in the classroom preparing for Spring Break. I am also very thankful that I can send a little hello to all of you who I am missing each and every day. Your shining faces, voices, stories, laughter and questions are missed!!

The plants are healthy and happy in the classroom, and I am taking very good care of your Terabithia projects until you can take them home.  I took a peek inside your desk drawers and was thankful that there weren't any snacks left behind. Well done to those of you who have made a great effort to keep your drawers clean and organized! You know how much I appreciate a clean and tidy desk. Take a peek around your bedroom and see if it needs a bit of a tidy up over these next few days.

If you have a copy of "Holes" at home, feel free to keep reading. We are currently at chapter 42.  If you don't have a copy, I'll keep the bookmark in it's place and keep reading to you as soon as we are back together. If you can wait, try not to watch the movie just yet. In my opinion, the book is sooooo much better in building up the storyline and characters.

With a bit of extra time on your hands, don't forget to pick up a new book and read every day! I'd love to hear about some of your favourite book recommendations when we meet again. If you are looking for things to do at home, the CBE has some great ideas of ways to learn at home posted on their website: . Click on the "K-6 Parent Supports" for ideas that fit our grade level, but don't forget to take a much needed break this coming week. Please stay tuned for more updates after Spring Break.

Looking forward to seeing all of your smiling faces soon and hearing all of your stories.

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